Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Developing Capacity Portable Water Purifierââ¬Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Neglects About The Developing Capacity Portable Water Purifier? Answer: Presentation This report mirrors the key comprehension on the issues and factors looked by advertisers while creating limit convenient water purifier. This grew minimal effort, low limit compact water purifier will be utilized to give versatile water to enormous populace around the world. Be that as it may, two advertisers John and Mike are confronting a few issues, for example, monetary issues, taking care of elements and course of action of representatives and experts. For the duration of the time, organization has staged life cycle stage issue of this created versatile water purifier item. The principle issues in the advancement of life cycle phase of result of organization are identified with the recently refined items offered by new participants in advertise. Be that as it may, so as to decrease the multifaceted nature of business, organization has chosen to go into maintainable joint endeavor. This SJV agreement will relieve all the issues and make the versatile water purifier items upheld by new advancements. Colleagues of organization who will embrace Sustainable joint endeavor with Vic Solar Company Mike, John, Maria and Graham are the principle people who will go into SJV What is Sustainable joint endeavor? It is seen that with the expanding ramified financial changes and dangers presented by new contestants in the market, Sustainable arrangement Pvt ltd has been confronting different issues and issues while selling limit versatile water purifier item in showcase. Besides, government has likewise moved its tendency towards new contestants in the market. SJV is the joint endeavor which is made by supportable arrangement PVT ltd with the Vic sunlight based so as to utilize its recently created complex innovations. This recently entered contracted named SJV will help limit convenient water purifier to accompany viable degree of administrations and moderating conceivable significant expense joined with the most extreme retail cost of the item in showcase (Hubrich, Tetlow, 2015). Issues looked by Sustainable Solution Pvt ltd and disappointment of SJV understanding in the market There are a few issues looked by Sutinble arrangement Pvt ltd in the market in the wake of going into contract with the Vic Solar Company. The principle issue was identified with discovery in 2011 in type of inability to meet the limit according to the bearings of government. Likewise, SJV agreement ought to have been come about to 22% to 25% yet to other unanticipated variables, the benefit earned by organization through SJV contract came about to 16% which was extremely less as assessed. Be that as it may, the venture attempted by organizations under SJV contract turned out badly directly from the earliest starting point and demonstrated powerlessness to gracefully 12,000 sun oriented board to the task cutoff time. This disappointment harmed the brand picture of organization and expanded the general account cost. The measure of advantages got by organization from the market is likewise disposed of and expanded the general expense of the items in the market (Hubrich, Tetlow, 2015). How and when it turned out badly In the wake of assessing all the components, it could be viewed as that SJV contract with was helpful one and could have indicated high measure of benefit whenever related elements have adopted into thought in decided strategy. The primary issue was identified with fund and cash associated with venture. There were a few new contestants who were giving imitated sunlight based items at modest rate in the market. It is viewed as that in the wake of going into SJV contract, the two organizations vowed to convey 12,000 sun powered board before cutoff time (Santamouris, 2016). These degrees of disappointment destruct the working of association and came about to decimation of business. From that point forward, so as to conform to the prerequisite, SJV rush in imported less expensive item and neglected to meet the necessary limit according to the norm. Furthermore, SJV arrange the agreement with the Vic sunlight based to give viable degree of advancements to fortify the sun powered influence according to the necessary limit (Hubrich, Tetlow, 2015). Alleviation of issues looked by John and Mike in their created limit compact water purifier item So as to moderate all the issues and issues looked by Sustainable arrangement put ltd, organization will make proactive arrangements and actualize determined arranging and strategies to make sun based force work viable. It is additionally watched if organization could moderate the coalition issue and set limit for the inability to conform to the utilization of advances then it might build the achievement odds of new sun based force contract. This time organization needs to assess all the variable factors and utilization of new advances to conquer the sun based force issues (Kandasamy, et al. 2014). Specialized quality of Vic sunlight based Vic sunlight based has complex advancements and introduced plan which will build the general force flexibly in SJV contract for Sustainable private constrained organization (Mitragotri, Burke Langer, 2014). With the utilization of recently presented Vic sun oriented advances, organization could build the general benefit of organization by 20% in the market while providing sun based force. Vic sun oriented has different joint endeavors with different organizations and its working experience will result to center competency in gracefully sun powered force with high limit (O'Sullivan, et al, 2014). The recipe and set capacities Vic sun based use in its flexibly chain the executives is exceptionally secure and increment the viability of clients in utilizing power gracefully of SJV in advertise (Saikku, et al. 2017). Different adversaries are utilizing low degree of substance and variables which may be modest however less powerful also (Ldeke-Freund, 2014). Source board, plants and machines utilized by Vic sun powered is exceptionally global plants and give increasingly compelling outcome to customers in showcase when contrasted with different opponents. Affirmation of Vic Solar It is viewed as that SJV flopped in the market and furthermore didn't proceed according to the necessary degree of consistence program. The fundamental issue was identified with conveyance of sunlight based force flexibly in the market with in the cutoff time (Zhang, 2016). In any case, so as to alleviate these related issues in decided methodology, SJV will enlist inward control division to relieve the potential issues. It is seen that in the event that SJV could expand its creation procedure by 20%, at that point it could convey the guaranteed items with the cutoff time. In any case, expanded limit of 20% could likewise upgrade the general limit of SJV in the market and will result to conveyance of decided sun powered force gracefully for customers. With the utilization of Vic Solar modern and profoundly created innovations, SJV will most likely expand the proficiency and business working to give progressively sunlight based capacity to customers. What's more, these imported plants will likewise make these set up items powerful in market and increment the general customers fulfillment in the sun based market in decided methodology. The specialized specialists of Vic Solar will feature elevated level of center competency in producing sun powered force in the market (Keyhani, 2016). Monetary circumstance of SJV SJV is the key union made between Sustainable arrangement pvt ltd and Vic sunlight based organization to build the general proficiency of the sun powered undertaking. It is seen that because of unanticipated elements, organization has neglected to convey the submitted sun based capacity to its customers inside the set cutoff times. What's more, the items and administrations sold by organization in the market are likewise exorbitant which result to expand the general turnover of organization. SJV has additionally confronted diminished in its general benefit by 10% which has destruct its budgetary limit. Government and different specialists have likewise declined to convey the assets and commitments to help the SJV sun based working. Be that as it may, so as to reinforce the monetary circumstance of organization, organization should raise its general turnover and infuse more cash in associations capital (Mathews, et al. 2016). Techniques to come out the money related chaos VOI sun powered and other SJV both are confronting money related issues because of its low degree of turnover and non-viable sun oriented influence gracefully. So as to moderate these issues, both VOI sun based and SJV need to execute following methodologies (Brand, et al. 2016). Infusing increasingly capital in the budgetary structure of organization Expanding the obligation financing to lessen the general expense of capital Employing of money related administration division to deal with the account in business. Keep up the lawful office to conform to the legitimate and moral issues in business SJV contract has confronted the issue because of deferral in working and conveying the VOI sun oriented to customers. Moreover, organization has different issues which have diminished its general benefit to 16% and by and large turnover. This degree of reduction in benefit will unquestionably result to destruct the worth production of contributed capital of organization (Gayer, et al. 2016). Deciding the cost of new PPA in the market With the negative income and expanding rivalry from the new participants in business, organization needs to fix cost of new PPA to AUD $ .08 to .10/KWH. There will be following results which will be looked by organization in advertise if cost of new PPP set to AUD $ .08 to .10/KWH (Memos, et al. 2017). Organization could expand its general benefit by expanding the general turnover. SJV at the cost of new PPA to AUD $ .08 to .10/KWH will beat the rivalries and adversaries offering in sun oriented force. SJV selling its sun oriented force results of new PPA to AUD $ .08 to .10/KWH could expand its image picture and customers fulfillment in decided methodology. Setting up of new monetary administration plan and corporate arranged arrangement with the joint effort of Vic Solar will expand the general proficiency of sunlight based force items in advertise. The most effective method to deal with existing SJV to come out of budgetary pressure It is seen that proposed SJV of organization will build the general adequacy of PPA and conform to the new guidelines and guidelines of Ministry of New and Alternative Energy (MNAE). Changes in existing financia
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Components of the criminal justice system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Parts of the criminal equity framework - Essay Example Following Problem in Law Enforcement A distributed report in Ten8 (2010) entitled ââ¬Å"U.S. Country Security Issues Alert: Mexican Assassin Teams Targeting U.S. Lawà Enforcementâ⬠proffers pending issues appropriate to immediately killing law implementation officials and different individuals from the criminal equity framework stretching out to their families by the Barrio Azteca posse, a famous Mexican pack, purportedly fighting back on a detailed crackdown of its individuals. As indicated by a report distributed by the Homeland Security Newswire (HSNW, 2010), ââ¬Å"the Barrio Azteca posse, which shaped in Texas detainment facilities during the 1980s, is a sibling association to the Aztecas pack in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the focal point of Mexicoââ¬â¢s savage medication warâ⬠¦ individuals from the gangââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"assassination teamsâ⬠are thought to work for little month to month expenses. One authority from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has sai d Aztecas have been referred to murder for as meager as $100â⬠(standard. 7). The elements that added to this issue is the inconvenience of limitation and intense guideline in exercises of the individuals by law authorization officials. As showed in the HSNW (2010) report, ââ¬Å"the paramilitary-style group has a ââ¬Å"open policyâ⬠to murder its adversaries and may turn its sights toward neighborhood law requirement officersâ⬠(standard. 4).
Monday, August 3, 2020
Gordon Allports Impact on the Field of Psychology
Gordon Allport's Impact on the Field of Psychology History and Biographies Print Gordon Allports Impact on Psychology of the Personality By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on September 16, 2019 Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming In This Article Table of Contents Expand Early Life Meeting Sigmund Freud Approach to Psychology Career Trait Theory Contributions Selected Publications View All Back To Top Gordon Allport was a pioneering psychologist often referred to as one of the founders of personality psychology. He rejected two of the dominant schools of thought in psychology at the time, psychoanalysis and behaviorism, in favor of his own approach that stressed the importance of individual differences and situational variables. Today he is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to the trait theory of personality. In a review of the most influential psychologists of the twentieth century, Allport was ranked as the 11th most eminent psychologist. Early Life Gordon Allport was born in Montezuma, Indiana, on November 11, 1897. He was the youngest of four brothers and was often described as shy, but also hard-working and studious. His mother was a school teacher and his father was a doctor who instilled in Allport a strong work ethic. During his childhood, his father used the family home to house and treat patients. Allport operated his own printing business during his teen years and served as the editor of his high school newspaper. In 1915, Allport graduated second in his class and earned a scholarship to Harvard College, where one of his older brothers, Floyd Henry Allport, was working on a Ph.D. in psychology. After earning his bachelors degree in philosophy and economics from Harvard in 1919, Allport traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, to teach philosophy and economics. After a year of teaching, he returned to Harvard to finish his studies. Allport earned his Ph.D. in psychology in 1922 under the guidance of Hugo Munsterberg. Meeting Sigmund Freud In an essay entitled Pattern and Growth in Personality, Allport recounted his experience of meeting psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. In 1922, Allport traveled to Vienna, Austria, to meet the famous psychoanalyst. After entering Freuds office, he sat down nervously and told a story about a young boy he had seen on the train during his travels to Vienna. The boy, Allport explained, was afraid of getting dirty and refused to sit where a dirty-looking man had previously sat. Allport theorized that the child had acquired the behavior from his mother, who appeared to be very domineering. Freud studied Allport for a moment and then asked, And was that little boy you? Effect on Approach to Psychology Allport viewed the experience as an attempt by Freud to turn a simple observation into an analysis of Allports supposed unconscious memory of his own childhood. The experience would later serve as a reminder that psychoanalysis tended to dig too deeply. Behaviorism, on the other hand, Allport believed, did not dig deeply enough. Instead, Allport chose to reject both psychoanalysis and behaviorism and embraced his own unique approach to personality. At this point in psychology history, behaviorism had become the dominant force in the United States and psychoanalysis remained a powerful influence. Allports approach to human psychology combined the empirical influence of the behaviorists with the acknowledgment that unconscious influences could also play a role in human behavior. Career Allport began working at Harvard in 1924 and later left to accept a position at Dartmouth. By 1930, he returned to Harvard where he would remain for the rest of his academic career. During his first year at Harvard, he taught what was most likely the first personality psychology class offered in the United States. His work as a teacher also had a profound effect on some of his students, which included Stanley Milgram, Jerome S. Bruner, Leo Postman, Thomas Pettigrew, and Anthony Greenwald. Trait Theory of Personality Allport is perhaps best known for his trait theory of personality. He began developing this theory by going through a dictionary and noting every term he found that described a personality trait. After compiling a list of 4,500 ?different traits, he organized them into three different trait categories, including: Cardinal Traits: These are traits that dominate an individuals entire personality. Cardinal traits are thought to be quite rare.Central Traits: Common traits that make up our personalities. Traits such as kindness, honesty, and friendliness are all examples of central traits.Secondary Traits: These are traits that are only present under certain conditions and circumstances. An example of a secondary trait would be getting nervous before delivering a speech to a large group of people. How Many Personality Traits Are There? Contributions to Psychology Allport died on October 9, 1967. In addition to his trait theory of personality, he left an indelible mark on psychology. As one of the founding figures of personality psychology, his lasting influence is still felt today. Rather than focusing on the psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches that were popular during his time, Allport instead chose to utilize an eclectic approach. Selected Publications Here are some of Allports works for further reading: Allport GW. Personality: a Psychological Interpretation. New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston; 1937.Allport GW. The Individual and His Religion. New York: McMillan; 1950.Allport GW. The Nature of Prejudice. Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley; 1954.Allport GW. Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1955.Allport GW. Pattern and Growth in Personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston; 1961.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Online Public and Charter Schools, K-12 in Indiana
Indiana offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Indiana. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of Indiana Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Indiana Virtual Charter School (off-site link) About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund ââ¬Å"seatsâ⬠for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. (See also: 4 Types of Online High Schools). Choosing an Indiana Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see: How to Choose an Online High School.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Technology And Counseling Services And The Code Of Ethics...
Abstract Technology has been increasingly adopted in counseling services impacting on the field immensely. Counselors use various forms of technology to communicate with their clients, offer their counseling services, educate clients and do clinical supervision. The various forms of technology used in communication by counselors and their clients include telephone, social media, emails, videoconferencing, text messages among others. The aim of this paper is to study the implications of use of technology in counseling services and all the parties involved. We seek to understand how various forms of technology are used by counselors in offering the counseling services to their clients considering the code of ethics set and their effectiveness. In this paper, we identify the effectiveness of various forms of technology used in counseling services and the code of ethics relevant to their use. We also identify strategies and techniques we can implement to increase their effectiveness and efficien cy in offering quality counseling services to clients. Summary The chapter presents a discussion about use of technology in counseling and its implications on people and the counseling process. Recent technology advances have contributed immensely to the counseling process. Many counsellors have increasingly adopted technology in their profession for communication. However, it is important they adhere to ethical standards set especially 2014 ACA code of ethics while using various formsShow MoreRelatedExploring Ethical Codes and Possible Ethical Issues in Responding Therapy Clients through E-Mail921 Words à |à 4 Pagesethical codes, possible ethical issues, and possible solutions to any issue that Dr. Lyne could face. While Dr. Lyne may have found responding to clients via email as ââ¬Å"high quality serviceâ⬠, I believe that responding via email could become controversial while discussing therapeutic issues. There are several ethical codes that address the use of electronics. While using electronics one must inform the client of the limitations, and risks. In Section H of the ACA Code of Ethics booklet,Read MoreThe Codes Of Ethics Of The American Counseling Association1667 Words à |à 7 PagesContent Comparison Professional associations establish codes of ethics to ensure that clinicians uphold the standards of their association in order to protect the clients they serve and the profession they are affiliated with. This paper will compare the codes of ethics of the American Counseling Association (ACA), American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and National Association of Social Workers (NASW). ACA Code of Ethics The ACA is an educational, scientific, and professionalRead MoreLegal Ethical Issues with Advertising and Online Counseling1385 Words à |à 6 PagesWorld War 2, the technology one sees around them and uses everyday has grown exponentially. In the field of counseling, phones, fax machines, copiers, and computers are all used to run everyday operations and transfer information. Despite how great technology can be, ethical issues can arise because of it. For example, talking on the phone with a client in a crisis situation can create a condition in which confidentiality can be breeched. (McMinn, 1999). One new way in which technology has been usedRead MoreThe American Counseling Association ( Aca ) Essay1276 Words à |à 6 PagesThe American Counseling Association (ACA) developed the code of ethics with six principles in mind that they thought were the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (American Counseling Association, 2014). This lead to the six different purposes for the code of ethics. First, it sets ethical obligations and ethical guidance for professional counselors (American Counseling Association, 2014). Second, it recognizesRead MoreWhat Does Diversity Do With Ethics?1075 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat Does Diversity Have to Do with Ethics? When contemplating the subject of diversity in relation to ethics, several questions may arise for the first-year counseling student. These inquiries may be broad or rather specific. Primarily, one may wonder if the topic of diversity itself is such a significant subject that it is outlined in a code of ethics. Secondarily, if diversity is addressed, is it treated as a singular subject or broadly covered under an umbrella of principles? ConsequentlyRead MoreThe World of the Counselor: A Brief Analysis of Chapter Two 950 Words à |à 4 PagesI. Where Are We Going? While reading this weekââ¬â¢s assignment I contemplated issues the counseling profession may face in the future. After reading about multicultural awareness, one matter that came to mind was the increase number of gangs in the United States. According to the FBI, gangs contribute to about 48% of crime and include over 1.4 million American members as of 2011. With 33,000 gangs across America, counselors everywhere will be faced with people who are affected by gang related crimeRead More Ethics and Law in the Field of Counseling Essay1395 Words à |à 6 Pages Ethics is the judgement and the moral actions used in interactions with cultures and society and its focus is on the client well-being. Ethics is defined by Remley and Herlihy (2010) in the counseling field as ââ¬Å"professional behavioral and interactionsâ⬠(p.4). Counselors do rely and are guide by Codes of Ethics. The role and relevance of the ethical principals, the ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics are the base of the counseling profession. Without them this career would not have a guide on how theRead MoreGroup Counseling1524 Words à |à 7 PagesRunning head: Growing Trends in Group Counseling Growing Trends in Group Counseling: Ethical and Technological Issues that Effect Vocational Rehabilitation Term Paper By Diadra McGraw 546 Group Counseling Dr. B. Canfield February 26, 2008 Abstract This paper explores the different ways in which group counseling can be used for the purpose of Vocational Rehabilitation. It also gives detailed information of how technology can be used in group counseling during Vocational RehabilitationRead MoreFederal Administrative Law And The Department Of Education1185 Words à |à 5 Pageseducation records while protecting the information located in the studentsââ¬â¢ educational record from misuse. The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) protects an individualââ¬â¢s health and well-being. The HHS maintains 11 operating divisions with eight agencies in the U.S. Public Health Service. The HHS established the Health Insurance Portability and Accountably Act (HIPPA). For example for HIPPA: 45 CFR à §164.524 (a) (1) entails no access to a patientââ¬â¢s psychotherapyRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Within Counseling891 Words à |à 4 Pageshe is contemplating suicide the same evening and the counselor is aware that he has attempted suicide in the past and has the means to carry out his threat (Argosy University Online. 2015). Because confidentiality is such a critical issue within counseling, exceptions to confidentiality must also be heavily considered. What if not breaking confidentiality leads to harm? Section B.1.c. outlines the exceptions to confidentiality including the fact that confidentiality does not apply, when disclosure
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Japanese Foreign Policy and Economic Aggressions Free Essays
A major part of Japanâ⬠s history from the late Nineteenth Century up to 1914 was military aggression. During this period there were many economic, social and political pressures that facilitated military expansion. Japanese militarism manifested on the Asian mainland in wars, aggression and military presence on foreign soil. We will write a custom essay sample on Japanese Foreign Policy and Economic Aggressions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Japanâ⬠s foreign policy was influenced by itâ⬠s government, education, religion and social structure. Economic pressures facilitating military expansion up to 1914. Japan was a new consumer economy that had changed from feudal economy in a very short time period of forty years. This caused many problems and in the 1890â⬠³s Japan was in a severe economic depression and Japan was importing far more than they were exporting. Japan found it difficult to break into established overseas markets where countries had been trading for much longer than Japan. And so Japan was under pressure to expand itâ⬠s borders for raw materials and new overseas markets to sell to. Japan also wanted recognition from the western powers as a valuable market. During this time period there was also social pressures for Japan to expand. The traditional Bushido, the fighting spirit of Japan enabled the military to expand, as opposed to if Japan were a more peaceful, pacifist country. A change in social structure meant that anyone could become part of the army from the old class of the Samurai warriors. In 1873 conscription was introduced mainly from peasants to serve three years, with the motto, ââ¬Å"Enrich the country, strengthen the armyâ⬠. Another social pressure to expand was increased urbanisation. By 1907, Tokyo and Osaka had waterworks and other public facilities, but before this and in many other cities they had no amenities like modern sewerage systems. There was also pollution, a problem encountered by every country during industrialisation especially prominent due to the cramped conditions of Japanese cities. Political pressures also helped Japan to expand up to 1914. There were many changes to the political system that moved it towards a more centralised and democratic system. This meant that there was national power, which led to nationalism within the people of Japan. Despite this nationalism there was widespread discontent within Japan with new land tax on the peasants and low wages for workers in the cities. The government saw expansion as a way to distract them from their problems and focus on wars abroad. Again Japan wanted international recognition as a power, the government saw examples of other strong countries expanding like Britain in India and France in Indo-China. Japan needed this recognition for bargaining power with the Western Powers. Japanese Militarism manifested on the Asian mainland in the Sino-Japanese War(1894-95). This war was over Chinaâ⬠s and Japanâ⬠s interest in Korea, where both countries wanted to influence the government and prevent Western influence. China had claimed control over Korea for many years, but as it was in such close proximity and was rich in the raw materials of coal and iron, Japan was interested. Japan forced Korea to trade and declare itself independent of China, while China continued to financially assist conservative officials in connection with the royal family. After troubles in Korea both countries sent in troops, but war was avoided by the signing of the Li-Ito Convention(1885). But in 1894 both China and Japan sent forces into Korea on the request of the King due to a rebellion. After this Japan refused to remove troops from Korea and so war was declared on 1st of August 1894. Western countries were amazed at how easily Japan defeated China. China had a large and fairly modern navy, but itâ⬠s army lacked trained men and so they lost badly. China did not have the modern warfare methods of Japan which soon had total control over Korea. China agreed to pay a large indemnity to Japan and to give all the trading privileges to Japan. Japanese victory marked the emergence of Japan as a major world power and demonstrated the weakness of the Chinese Empire. Later though the victory was dampened by the Triple Intervention of France, Russia and Germany, which forced Japan to return the Liaotung Peninsula to China. In the Russo-Japanese War(1904-05) Japanese forces also manifested on the Asian mainland. War began on the 8th of February 1904 when Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on a Russian naval base in Port Aurthur. Russia had huge numbers of manpower but the war 8000km from Moscow, linked by only one railway and lacked support of the Russian people. Meanwhile Japan was within easy distance of the battle and although they had few soldiers in comparison they were well led and supported. After a long battle at sea where both parties had suffered high casualties the war was ended by the American President, Roosevelt. Russia was forced to recognise Japanâ⬠s intense interests in Korea, transfer the lease of the Liaotung Peninsula to Japan and give Japan power over the railway between Port Arthur to Mukden. Japan was refused their request of indemnity from Russia but was not willing to fight another war for it. The Russo-Japanese War forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in the Far East and it was the first time that an Asian power had defeated a European power. In 1910, Japan formally established a protectorate over Korea. The Japanese government assisted foreign policy and was influenced by it. The government was backed by the army, which was important as no government could continue without it. In return the government introduced conscription and provided monetary support. With a successful foreign policy, the government grew more confident in dealings with other countries. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance(1902) was a definite confidence booster for the government. By it, Japan and Britain agreed that if two powers attacked either then the other must help. Education also assisted in and influenced by the success of Japanâ⬠s foreign policy. In Japan education became compulsory in 1872, and was centrally run. The Japanese education system glorified the Emperor, and the idea that the interests of the nation is more important than oneâ⬠s own. Uniformity and nationalism were incorporated into the education system along with obedience to authority, all attributes associated with the armed forces. In turn the education system grew more militaristic and praised Japanâ⬠s successes in foreign policy. Religion also helped foster a successful foreign policy. Shinto co-existed peacefully with other religions in Japan until the late 1870â⬠³s when the modernizing government suppressed other religions and adapted Shinto teachings for government propaganda in support of the military. The government stressed that Shinto was the best religion as it wasnâ⬠t a foreign religion, like Buddhism and Christianity and so was better for the Japanese. Shinto taught loyalty, respect and obedience to the Emperor. And so the Emperorâ⬠s decisions in relation to foreign policy was not questioned. Religion was successfully influenced by Japanâ⬠s foreign policy as it became even more obedient to the Emperor and in the land that Japan acquired through their foreign policy, Shinto was spread. Japanâ⬠s social structure also assisted foreign policy. Japanâ⬠s social structure was organised in such a way that they were not to question authority, and so the armed forces did not have to look for approval of their foreign policy. In Japan it was considered a privilege, not a duty, to fight for oneâ⬠s country. The social structure was influenced in the way it looked up to the military and as Japan became a world power with annexes in Korea and Taiwan, it boosted confidence and nationalism within all classes of society. Japan was pressured in economic, social and political areas to expand itâ⬠s borders. Japanâ⬠s military manifested on the Asian mainland during the Sino-Japanese War(1894-95) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). Nationalism and Militarism filtrated into every aspect of Japanese life, including government, education, religion and social structure. How to cite Japanese Foreign Policy and Economic Aggressions, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
There are many problems that face the US Essays - Demography
There are many problems that face the U.S. right now. In most of the recent presidential primary debates, there is a question on what the candidates will do about illegal immigration. The candidate's proposed solutions range from complete amnesty to shipping all illegals back to where they came from. Illegal immigration is a growing problem in America. There are many reasons that illegal immigration is a problem, and as usual what the government has tried to do to solve the problem has just made the situation worse. However there are a few things that can be done to help solve the problem of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a problem in this country. The fact is that most illegals do not or will not speak English. The chancellor of the University of California at Berkley, Chang Lin-Tin, says that by the year 2050 most Americans will be able to trace their roots to Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands. However, before Mr. Chang's vision can come to pass, the United States will have at least 2 official languages. America would have to have two official languages for the immigrants to be able to function in society. It is impossible to even buy groceries without knowing English. However, there are several flaws to this idea, the first of which is that not speaking English goes against the purpose of immigrating to America. The purpose of immigrating to America is to become an American. This means that immigrants must adapt to America's way of life, not the other way around. This includes learning English. The whole idea of providing bilingual schooling and such to people who do not speak English does not make sense. If immigrants want to fit into society, they need to change their ways to fit that society, not make the society change to fit them. Still another problem with the idea of two official languages is that it is illogical. The whole purpose of having an official language is so that everyone can communicate and function in society. Having two official languages will completely ruin this system and the country. The U.S. would be split up into two almost separate countries. There would be the English speaking part of the country, and then there would be the Spanish speaking part. Neither of these parts would be able to interact with each other unless everyone knew both languages, and that goes against logic, as everyone would need to learn a new language instead of just the immigrants. In order to exist in peace amongst each other, immigrants should be required to learn English in order to live in the United States. It doesnt make sense for Americans to tip toe around immigrants and change our life style to make it easier for them. Learning English would show dedication and unveil how greatly each immigrant truly desires to live in the United States.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Sources of Finance Essays
Sources of Finance Essays Sources of Finance Essay Sources of Finance Essay Source of finance Match the source with advantages and disadvantages State if advantage/disadvnatage ordinary share capital: money given to a company by shareholders in return for a share certificate, which gives them part ownership of the company and entitles them to a share of the profits 21 . lncreasing ordinary share capital can make it easier to borrow more funds from a bank as the share capital can purchase assets that can be used as collateral. advantage 22. Bringing new shareholders into a small business often means that further expertise is brought into the business. vantage 3. 0rdinary share capital is permanent â⬠the business does not need to pay it back advantage 17. As the business grows, the percentage shareholding of the original owner(s) will probably decline. This can ultimately lead to a smaller share of the profit and even a loss of control of the business. disadvantage 28. They are generally cheaper than other sources 20. 1n profitable years, ordinary shareh olders will expect high dividends. disadvantage 12. The original aims of the business may be lost due to having too many shareholders disadvantage . t is not necessary to pay shareholders a dividend if the business cannot afford it venture capital: finance that is provided to small or medium-sized firms that seek growth, but which may be considered risky by typical share buyers or other lenders. . 2. It is possible that venture capitalists will exert too much influence, so the original owner may lose his/her independence. disadvantage 10. Venture capitalists will sometimes allow interest or dividends to be delayed 19. 1n return for the high risks, venture capitalists will often want high interest . Venture capitalists will often want a significant share of the business. 1 . lt is useful for high-risk firms that are unable to get finance. advantage 14. Venture capitalists will often provide advice too personal sources of finance: money that is provided by the owner or owners of the business from their own savings or personal wealth 1 5. There may be insufficient funds available 9. They may be the only option possible. 23. Security is not usually required. 6. They can cause family tensions They allow the owner to keep control. . They may cause stress for the entrepreneur bank loan: a sum of money provided to a firm or an individual by a bank for a specific, agreed purpose. 16. The size of the loan and the period of repayment can be arranged to match the exact needs of the firm. advantage 4. 1nterest rates are normally lower because of the security provided. advantage 1 1 . There is less flexibility in a bank loan, so the business will tend to pay interest for the agreed period, e ven if it gets into a position where it can pay off the loan early. 27. is more expensive than alternatives such as personal finance. 26. The interest rate and thus the repayments are fixed in advance, making it easy to budget the schedule for repayments. advantage 25. The size of the loan may be limited by the amount of collateral that can be provided rather than by the amount of money needed by the business. disadvantage bank overdraft: when a bank allows an individual or organisation to overspend on a current account held with the bank up to an agreed (overdraft) limit and for a stated time period 18. The decrease in demand for goods and services as resulted in the closure of many small businesses in the UK. During the first 5 months of 2009, there was a 52% rise in the number of small businesses filing for commercial bankruptcy. According to the Automated Access to Court Electronic Records (ACER), there were 36,103 filings compared to 23,829 this time last year'(AsaGhaffar,2010). As I stated earlier the economy has begun to show signs of a recovery but Banks remain sceptical of the future of small firms. In order to maintain the current state of growth, further business activity is needed this will require banks to loan more money to firms. However, this has not been the case. A recent article states In a survey of 1,045 directors, the Institution of Directors found that 60% of businesses are being turned down for credit by the banks despite repeated claims made by UK lenders that they are fulfilling demand for loans (Lucy McCann, 2010). In addition, an increasing amount of firms have been refused overdrafts. This may be a result of the increase in loan guarantees and securities required by the Banks and the reason why banks are sceptical about the future of small businesses. Working Capital can be defined as the day to day finances needed to run a business- generally seen as the difference between the values of a firms current assets and its current liabilities.(I.Marcousà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½, 2008). Efficient working capital management involves ensuring there is sufficient cash available to meet the cash requirement at any one time. In a business operation working capital is highly important. Irrespective of the firms size insufficient working capital is the commonest cause of business failure (I.Marcousà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½, 2008). In preparation for a fall in demand effective working capital becomes even more important for small firms. During a period of falling demand consumer will save more and buy less goods and services this will result in a decrease in sales revenue for many small businesses such local restaurants, pubs and small shop owner. In time small firms will begin to experience a shortage of cash or working capital due to falling revenue and may not be abl e to purchase as much stock or pay bills on time. In such a situation like falling demand and revenue small firms will have to make drastic changes to their working capital and reconsider their source of finance. During an economic downturn many small firms are likely to experience rapidly decreasing revenue and problems with their working capital. In addition, the more conventional source of finance such as a bank loan or an extension on the firms banks overdraft may become difficult to attain as banks will be aware of the dilemma facing firms and may require more guarantee for their money. Therefore small firms will have to consider alternative sources of finance. Trade credit is a possible alternative source of finance for a small firm. Defined as when suppliers agree to accept cash payment at a given date in the future (I.Marcousà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½, 2008).This is possibly the cheapest finance option available as it cost the business nothing to arrange such an agreement. Trade credit will allow the firm spend their already declining capital on other aspects of the business operation in order to accommodate for the falling demand. For example a local restaurant will be able to pay their electrical and water bill allowing them to continue operation. However, during a period of falling demand the future of a small firm may not be certain an as a result there is a risk the firm will not be able to pay suppliers when the time comes and this could damage the relationship between the firm and supplier and mitigate chances of attaining trade credit in the future. In addition, the chances of obtaining trade credit will be low considering the possibility that falling demand will also affect competitors and as a result they may also try to attain trade credit thereby creating heavy competition. A small firm may consider debt factoring as an alternative source of finance. Debt factoring is when A business sells its outstanding customer accounts (those who have not paid their debts to the business) to a debt factoring company (tutor2u). The possible advantages are; the firm will be able to raise cash quickly and will no longer have to continue chasing there debtors this will save them t ime and resources. However, firms will have to sell their debt at a loss. This will negatively affect the profit of a firm. Furthermore, in a period of falling demand debtors are likely to default and this will make it difficult for firms to sell their debts. Stocks are the organisations assets in the form raw material, work in progress and finished goods, in order to make best use of warehousing facilities and stockholding costs (J. Sutherland and Diane .Canwell, 1995). There are 3 different types of stock. Raw materials and components are stocks purchased by the business from outside suppliers. Work in progress, these are stocks which are incomplete as they are still in the production progress, for example a car chassis on a convey belt in a factory. Finally, finished goods are stocks which are held by the firm for a period of time until they are sold. This may be due to numerous reasons such as; the products are seasonal or the firm only sell products in batches ( I.Marcousà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½, 2008). In an economic downturn a small firm will likely experience falling demand and at this point consider the possible advantages and disadvantages of reducing stock. If a small firm is to reduce their stock they will require less storage space and a s a result save money allowing them to spend it on other aspects of the operation. Furthermore, a smaller stock increases the liquidity of the firm. Less stock increases the chances of the firm selling all their products thus making them more liquid, thus enabling the firm to gain short term cash quickly which is highly important in an economic downturn as demand falls and revenue drops. In addition, the cost security will be less. The less space consumed will require less security personal to monitor. Conversely, by reducing stock a small firms risk losing their competitive advantage. If the economy was to suddenly recover and demand begins to rise for goods and services the firms may not be able to meet the sudden demand. In such a circumstance a firm may lose future customers to competitors who will be able to meet demand. In the long term this will have a negative impact on sales and could eventually lead to bankruptcy. Reducing stock may be beneficial in a period of economic downturn but the ability for a firm to reduce the stock may depend on the type of business. For example, in comparing a local store to a small building firm the difference in reducing stock can be seen. In order to reduce stock a local store could simply offer discounts to customers which will increase the demand for the goods and thereby allow the shop to get rid stock quicker. In addition, most of the stock are finished goods and as a result are ready to sell as soon as they arrived. On the other hand a, building firm hold stock such as sand and cement and tools which are mostly raw materials and work in progress and vital to their operation and as a result cannot be sold to the customers in a period of falling demand. It can be argued; depending on your business reducing stock will be beneficial for a small firm as it reduces cost in terms of storage space and security, also allows the firm to accommodate for the falling demand resulting from the economic downturn. However, from my perspective debt factoring will be the best course of action for a small business during a time of falling demand. In an economic downturn there is likely to be high unemployment and as a result falling demand thus reducing the circulation flow of income. Consumers will have less cash available and this means there is a greater chance of individuals not paying their debts on time or even defaulting. For this reason, assuming the firm has debtors, firms which require a short term form of finance will want to consider debt factoring. Seeing as it is likely debtors will not pay on time or at all it will be greatly beneficial for the firm to sell off their debts. Although a firm are selling at a loss and may face difficulty selling the debts in an economic downturn as debt factoring company will also be aware of problems facing debtors, if possible it will provide the small firm the capital they need to finance their operation, thereby giving the firm a better chance of surviving the economic downturn. In addition, survival should be the likely objective for any small firm in such a period.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
A Reedsy Success Story Matt Biebers Life in the Loop
A Reedsy Success Story Matt Biebers Life in the Loop A Reedsy Success Story - Matt Bieberââ¬â¢s Life in the Loop We launched Reedsy 6 months ago. Since, weââ¬â¢ve had an incredible amount of authors working on a daily basis with our fabulous editors, proofreaders, designers and illustrators. But we havenââ¬â¢t really followed up on their success. So when Matt Bieber dropped us a line to thank us and tell us about his book, we thought weââ¬â¢d give him a spot on our blog!à My name is Matt Bieber, and Iââ¬â¢m the author of Life in the Loop: Essays on OCD. The essays in this collection are an effort to come to grips with life as an obsessive-compulsive. Some of them deal with big, dramatic stuff ââ¬â sex, religion, death ââ¬â while others are about the million mundane-but-excruciating facets of OCD.Writing about this stuff is helpful to me, but publishing is always a challenge. Iââ¬â¢m fairly tech-illiterate, and my forays into the blogosphere have provided OCD with endless freak-out opportunities: ââ¬Å"Did I save those changes on WordPress? Why does it keep formatting that way? Is this post even gonna be legible if readers re-size their browsers?â⬠And so on, forever.When I decided to collect my OCD writing into book form, then, I knew that designing a cover and an interior layout were way beyond me. ââ¬Å"If I just stick to the writing and let a pro handle the rest, thisââ¬â¢ll be doable.â⬠I shared my plans with a friend, and he pointed me toward Reedsy. (Heââ¬â¢d been a fan of Reedsyââ¬â¢s own design for some time.) I agreed to check it out, but I was nervous; was this gonna be yet another frustrating, overwhelming platform, a web world with nonsensical navigation and no way out?Merely arriving at the site, then, was a relief. It was straightforward! And kind of pretty! And you could find stuff! After a long print publishing career, Jason knows how to work magic with fonts, headers, and spacing. In just a couple of weeks, he turned my Word manuscript into a beautifully laid-out volume.The one glitch in the project, however, was that Jason didnââ¬â¢t know how to make an e-book. (Heââ¬â¢d told me this from the outset, and weââ¬â¢d agreed that heââ¬â¢d explore it as we moved along). As he discovered, though, creating an e-book isnââ¬â¢t just a matter of converting file types: in his words, itââ¬â¢s a bit more ââ¬Å"like designing web-pages; itââ¬â¢s a different animal altogether.â⬠Thankfully, Jason was willing to call a buddy named Mick in Scotland, who handled the final conversions. (Thanks Mick!)Here was the best part: Jason didnââ¬â¢t treat my book any differently than those of his higher-profile clients. At every stage of the process ââ¬â from our first contacts in mid-December through completion and publication at the end of March ââ¬â Jason was incredible: professional, responsive, and straight-up cool. He anticipated my questions, took stuff off my plate before I even realized it was bothering me, and stayed patient through a long series of tiny edits and adjustments.The pace of the process varied: sometimes, we each retreated to our tasks for a week or two. Other times, we exchanged several emails per day. And at a certain point, it dawned on me: he cared ââ¬â about the book, about the process, and about me. Instead of chasing down some elusive freelancer, I was working side-by-side with a generous partner.So it was the journey, then ââ¬â but it was also the destination. Because at the end of the process, we had this book in our hands (and on our Kindles) ââ¬â this thing that, by some miracle of text and color, reflected the hazy vision that had been floating around my brain for so long.So now the suckerââ¬â¢s up on Amazon and selling nicely, and the reviews are starting to come in. This feels great, of course ââ¬â but it feels even better to know that my work with Jason will help this little volume reach folks who can really use it.Matt Bieber is the author of Life in the Loop: Essays on OCD. He blogs at mattbieber.net and coaches young writers.Learn more about book layout design and book cover design on Reedsy's design page.Read our other success stories here!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Learning with educational games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Learning with educational games - Essay Example Therefore, educational games and some activities in the textbooks are good learning strategies that help students in overcoming problems of information reception and acceptance. These are activities performed by students in order to develop their mental and physical abilities and also bring them fun and entertainment. In addition, learning with educational games helps students to acquire knowledge (Al-Ghamadi, 2009). Play, as a part of learning, has a number of benefits to students. Firstly, it promotes interaction between individual students. As the students interact, they also get to discover individual differences and personalities among them (Van, 2006). This discovery shall help to understand each other more. Educational Games also help students with visual learning preferences understand topic concepts easily. Lastly, games boost mental health by activating the mental capacity. Learning with games usually requires that students cluster into different learning groups. One advantage of this clustering during learning games is that a student gets his or her capabilities and superiority over the others. This fact gives one confidence and heightens self esteem. Gaming also promotes thinking and imagination of an individual since most games are usually in the form of puzzles. Besides, these games have rules that must be strictly adhered to. As students keep on following these simple rules of gaming, they also learn and grow up to be law abided citizens. Lastly, learning with educational games in groups promotes corporation and unity among students thus; individual group members feel a sense of belonging (Balkis, 1987). A teacher plays an overall oversight role in learning with educational games. The teacher, other than identifying and selecting the most appropriate games for the students, facilitates the formation of various groups and defines the role of each group member (Balkis, 1987).. He also plans and schedules the time and place for these
Monday, February 3, 2020
Theoretical Dimension Involving Criminal Behavior Research Paper
Theoretical Dimension Involving Criminal Behavior - Research Paper Example Academic stakeholders started gaining interest in the connection between psychology and law after the World War II was over. During the period of 1960s, various psychologists were called upon in various criminal and civil cases to help with the cognitive side of the cases (Ogloff, 1996). By 1980s, psychology was applied to law, and students started taking courses and training in the field of psychology of law (Ogloff, 1996). Today, criminology and psychology are taught together in formal and professional educational settings, and various theories explaining why criminals perform criminal activities are taught to students and professionals. Body Among the various theories that examine why individuals perform criminal activities, the choice theory is the most commonly used. Choice theory was created by Dr, William Glasser; according to him, the decision of an individual to commit a crime is made in a rational way (Glasser, 2011, p.224). The theory further suggests that there are severa l reasons due to which one acts in a deviant manner; these reasons includes greediness, desire, rage, envy, suspicion, excitement and pride. The base of the theory of choice is the classical school of criminology, which states that an individual is not restricted, and whether to select a criminal path or a socially acceptable path is his or her own free choice. The classical school of criminology has even suggested a way to counter crime ââ¬â fear of punishment can help prevent criminals from performing criminal activities (Glasser, 2011). The theory of choice categorizes criminal behavior into three different types. The first type is the rational actor; this means that a criminal makes his or her own decision whether or not to commit a crime, and he or she can be stopped through fear of punishments. The second reason due to which an individual commits a crime is because of his or her inner drives and the environment he or she lives in. The best possible way to counter this kind of criminal is to change the environment in which he or she is situated. The last kind of criminal is the one who has been abused or has been a victim of a crime; this kind of criminal can be controlled with the aid of rules and regulations. Criminology is even associated with personality; Eysenck, a psychologist from Britain, is highly recognized for producing a theory that connects criminal behavior with the individualââ¬â¢s personality. He suggested that an individual performs criminal behavior because of the communication between that individualââ¬â¢s environment and his cognitive system (Raine, 1993). This theorist has focused on the predispositions related to criminal activities available in the genes of an individual. People who are in favor of this theory share a common belief that individuals have distinct mental processes. When these processes interact with a particular stimulus, individuals end up acting in a deviant way. This theory has not signaled that an indivi dual is born with criminal-like qualities; this theory rather suggests that only when the neurobiological processes of individuals interact with a certain environment do individuals act in a deviant manner. The study conducted by Eysenck further proved that individuals who exhibit a lower level of extraversion have a tendency of getting angry quickly, acting in an aggressive manner, and are not reliable (Raine, 1993). He even stated that individuals categorized as extraverts tend to experience increased levels of excitement, which
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The ancient Greek olympics
The ancient Greek olympics Many people know a lot about the Olympic Games. Ancient games were a lot smaller than the Olympic Games today with only 300 contestants from 11 different countries. All of America has heard the devastating news that occurred this year at the 2010 Olympics. Nodar Kumaritashvili died after crashing into a metal pole during a luge race. He was only 21 years old competing at the Vancouver Olympics and it took his life. Many people do not realize how violent and dangerous certain Olympic events are. To fully understand the importance of the Olympics you need to know about the Ancient Olympic Games (Papantoniou). According to Findling, Heracles, Zeuss son, founded the ancient Olympics. Yet the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BCE. At this Olympic Games, a runner named Coroebus, won the running event. Coroebus became the very first Olympic champion. The ancient Olympic Games became bigger and more popular so they continued to be played every four years for nearly 1,200 years (Findling). At the beginning, the Olympic Games were played as part of a religious practice. People put their passion for religion into sport and competition. This hereby became a religious ritual for the Greeks (Papantoniou). The Olympic Games were the most famous of all other games by far and they were held in Olympia. According to Papantoniou, the idea of rebirth soon came along and when it did many cults were formed. The idea of rebirth came from the idea of creation. We are created from the coming together of a male and female, which was obvious. During this process of birth, the Earth has been said to give us life. The Earth, with the help of Mother Nature, contains everything that people need to live. The divine force of Mother Nature created the idea of rebirth. Soon the religious cults were formed and competition became an important ritual (Papantoniou). The purpose of the Olympic events was to demonstrate bodily strength and vigor (Papantoniou). According to Findling, once the first full moon came out the games were able to begin. At the beginning, the games only lasted a day but soon the games became so popular new sports were added. Soon, the games lasted a full five days. The first day of the festival was meant for sacrifices for the Gods. Some athletes liked to pray alone and make sacrifices themselves. Most Greek athletics were for one person to compete with another as opposed to playing on teams. The athletes took part in running, wrestling, disc-throwing, boxing, javelin-hurling and many other sports. The second day of the games was the day of the foot-race. There was not merely one type of race that the athletes took part in. There were four different kinds. The first and oldest was stadion, where runners sprinted for 1 stade, which was the length of the stadium. The other races were a 2-stade and long-distance races. The fourth type of race involved runners wearing full armor. This race was good for preparing men for the military. It increased strength and stability for the men competing to get them ready for war. The other events besides the races were held after the second day of the Games. Pancratium, which was a mix of wrestling and boxing, got kind of intense. To succeed in wrestling the player was to heave the other wrestler on the ground three times. It was not that simple, however. The opponent couldnt just land any such way. They were to land on their hip, back or shoulder. To avoid any serious injury, ancient Greece had specific rules that were to be followed. Biting your opponent and grabbing their genitals was frowned upon during wrestling or the pancratium. When the games had first begun, boxing was not very violent. Although boxing was not too intense, protection was very important. The Greeks were always looking for ways to avoid injury in games like this. In this case, the boxers put leather on their fingers, much like a modern day boxing glove. These leather straps helped with the pain of being hit. However, as time went on, the players came up with more and more violent strategies to make their way to the top. After this more protection was necessary and new finger straps were created. The intensity of boxing was nothing compared to that of the pancratium. It was so brutal that it was not declared over until one of the players accepted defeat. The people who had enough money to own horses were able to train their horses to compete in races. There were races where the horse wore a saddle to make riding easier but in other races the horse had to be bareback. Bareback riding is riding without a saddle which was very difficult because the riders had nothing to hold onto. Much like when a man wins a competition he receives an olive branch, so does the winning horse. The person who trained and rode the horse to victory receives no credit. In the Olympics there were also Chariot races. These races included small chariots led by 2 horses and larger ones led by 4 horses. The pentathlon came after the day of the horse races. The pentathlon included five sports for the athletes to take part in. The events were all very different from one another. Sprinting and wrestling were two of the five events. It was tough since all of the events were so different. If an athlete succeeded at one event he might fail at another. Many of the athletes had to throw javelins and discuses as part of their competition. The final event in the pentathlon was the long jump. Not only was strength important but also stamina and precision (Findling). In order to succeed at jumping the farthest many men would use weights to make them jump further. Many people from out of the area would come to Olympia for their religious festivals. These popular festivals brought many more athletes to the area looking to play in the Games. Gymnasiums were built in Greece for people to practice and play less serious games. The gymnasiums were not only a place to practice but also a place to get protection from the sun. Each gymnasium contained a bath for men to not only clean but also to oil themselves. Athletes often covered themselves in oil before competing in the hot sun for protection (Findling). These competitive games were taken very seriously and they symbolized many things. According to Papantoniou, if you won a game, instead of getting a medal or a trophy, you were crowned with a wild olive branch. The olive branch symbolizes God so if you are crowned, the olive branch promises godliness and that you will live forever. According to Findling, after winning a competition, the winners would return home only to be escorted to their own town. According to Papantoniou, if you won a competition you would therefore have a divine presence and just the thought of you would bring up the word fertility. After these competitions were made-up, fertility of nature became associated with these human activities. A triumph in any one of these games was seen as a direct effect of divine will. The winners were looked upon as heroes or even gods to everyone. These physical activities both influenced the ritual process and were influenced by it in turn (Papantoniou). According to Fling, rewar ds were given to the winners of certain events such as wrestling and boxing from the pain that one must endure. According to Findling, Greek literature and art all included athletics in some way shape or form. Physical ability was extremely important to the Greeks. Not only physical strength was important but also strength of the mind. According to Papantoniou, some people believed that the Olympic Games were a creative way to select their king. When the King competed in the games, if he was not the winner, everyone would know that he was not a worthy leader. He cannot continue to be King if his power and vigor begin to decline. For this reason the Olympics was to be held so that the Kings strength could be put to the test. In the mythical era, everyone believed that if the King won it was because he was chosen by God. If the King lost, God has chosen someone else to take over. Cronus, Zeus, Apollo, Hermes and Ares were the first to participate in the games, followed by Idaean Heracles, Pelops, Oenomaeus, Heracles, the Dioscouri and a whole host of kings and rulers (Papantoniou). According to Papantoniou, the Olympic Games were mostly for men to watch. Unmarried women were allowed to attend to find a husband. However, married women were not allowed to watch on pain of death (Papantoniou). According to Fling, although unmarried women were allowed to attend the Olympic Games, there were only certain days on which they were able to. If any woman was to be caught at the Olympic Games on a day that they were not supposed to be, they were to be pushed down Mount Typaeum. Mount Typaeum was a tall mountain that expanded from Scillus to Olympia and it would be torture for anyone who fell down it. The only woman who has ever been caught at the Games when she wasnt supposed to be was Callipateria. Her son was to compete in the Olympics so she disguised herself as a trainer. Her son, Peisirodus was victorious. Soon Callipaterias identity had become known. She was scared for her life. Her father, brother and son all competed in the Olympic Games and all were victorious. B ecause of this, there was an exception to the rule and she was left unpunished. Because of her mistakes there has been a new law put in place for trainers to show themselves before coming into the area with the players (Fling). According to Durrant, The real question here is not who can attend the Olympics but who can compete. Of course not all people who want to participate can participate. Like many things in life there were restrictions for the Olympic Games. Only free-born Greek citizens were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games (Durrant). Boys competed with boys. Men competed with men of the same age. Only at Sparta, did girls take part in the contest. To be eligible for participation in the Olympic Games, a competitor must observe the traditional Olympic spirit and ethic and have always participated in sport as an avocado without having received any remuneration for his participation (Durrant). According to Durrant, Amateurs are frowned upon during the Olympics. An amateur is anyone who decides to participate in the games merely for their own benefits. These benefits may include social benefits, physical or mental benefits. Its better to see a man take on a task just to test himself. There is n ot a problem as long as the competition is constrained to a distinct population. There will be a problem when a competitor moves to a different population that has more rigid rules and standards. Professionalism began in the sixth century B.C. when Solon decided that anyone who won in the Olympic Games would be given 500 drachmae. Soon after the invention of professionalism, athletic games became a full time job for some. Plato said that the athlete who ends by becoming a hater of philosophy, uncivilized, never using weapons of persuasion,à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬he is like a wild beast, all violence and fierceness, and knows no other way of dealing; and he lives in all ignorance and evil conditions, and has no sense of propriety and grace (Durrant). You may be wondering what the proper attire for the Olympic Games were in ancient times. According to Fling, The Lacedaemonians were the first players who decided that being naked during the games were easier. They also are the ones who discovered the protection that oil gave their bodies. Before nudity, the competitors wore nothing but loin cloths (Fling). According to Fling, the ancient Olympic Games ended 393 AC. The modern Olympics began at the end of the XIX century. Baron Pierre de Coubertin brough back the Olympics with his impressive proposal. Everyone was so excited about the return of the Olympics that the first Modern Olympic Games were to take place in Athens in 1896. Before Baron, other people had tried to bring the Olympics back but no one was successful. So as we can see much about the Olympics has changed. Although the Olympics were invented in ancient times, they still live on today. Works Cited Durrant, Sue M. And Who May Compete?. Quest (00336297) 22.(1974): 104-110. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 4 Feb. 2010. Findling, J. E., Pelle, K. D. (1996). Historical Dictionary of the Modern Olympic Movement. Westport: Greenwood Press. Fling, Fred Morrow. A Source Book of Greek History. 1907. 04 February 2010 . Papantoniou, G. Religiosity as a main element in the ancient Olympic Games. Sport in Society 11.1 (2008): 32-43. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. EBSCO. Web. 2 Feb. 2010.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Story of Tom Brennan
After reading: Fear, drink driving, family relationships, friendship, conflict, grief and loss are all important themes of this book. Choose two themes and describe/discuss how they are portrayed in the book. (We will work through an example answer in class) THEMES How is the theme of fear portrayed in TSOTB? Sample Answer (Fear is a significant theme in TSOTB. Throughout the story we see many examples of character confronting and being challenged by fear. We also see the different ways that characters cope with fear.Tom Brennan is frightened of many things. He is frightened by the death of Nicole and Luke, the quadriplegia of Finn, the imprisonment of Daniel, the illness of his mother, the challenge of establishing himself in a new community. How does Tom confront his fears and cope with them? Tom initially feels guilt ridden by a number of the tragedies that had occurred. With support from people such as C,T and B, Tom starts to realise that these tragedies were not his fault. He c ould not control what had happened. Tom pays his respects to the families of N and L.He starts to visit Finn on a more regular basis and he acknowledges that things will never return to how they were. Tom ââ¬Å"moves on with his lifeâ⬠and in doing so overcomes many of his fears. ) Character Analysis: Choose one of the following characters and provide a detailed character analysis of them: Tom Brennan, Daniel Brennan, Tess Brennan, Joe Brennan, Brendan, Gran, Finn, Kylie, Kath, Chrissie. Remember to follow the characterisation checklist. Characterisation Checklist: Name character Describe appearance Describe relationships with othersDescribe thoughts, words and actions Describe personality Describe goals, ambitions, regrets Describe how the character has changed/developed/grown throughout the course of the book. Sample Character Analysis: Kath Oââ¬â¢Neil is Finnââ¬â¢s mother and an auntie of Daniel, Tom and Kylie Brennan. Kath is Tessââ¬â¢ sister. We don't know a lot about Kathââ¬â¢s appearance. She would most likely be a strong, capable woman who has a active life. Following the accident and the responsibility of caring for Finn. Kath has to get used to lots of physical lifting and work.Kath shares positive relationships with others, however, the nature of these relationships would have been significantly compromised by the accident and Kathââ¬â¢s feelings as to may have been responsible for her sonââ¬â¢s quadriplegia. Kath appears at times to be very stressed and very angry. This of course would be a natural reaction to what has transpired in her life. She is also determined to what she can for her son. No doubt Kathââ¬â¢s goals, ambition and regrets would have changed significantly with the crash. Her life going forward was changed hugely and she would have had huge regrets at the loss of her familyââ¬â¢s life as it had once been.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on and What You Have to Do
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on and What You Have to Do There are various kinds of essays that may be part of a student writing task. Your teacher will be pleased with your selection. Whatever you decide to write about, you'll need to supply an essential judgement based on a set of criteria so it's crucial to either pick a topic you know well or the one which you'll be in a position to research. For instance, giving the duty of updating a current report to a content writer in your organization is reasonable. Therefore, obtaining a thorough comprehension of the topic being evaluated is important. Getting in a position to present details, comments, and information that's directly linked to the sort of evaluation essay that you're writing can help you make a highly-usable output. Key Pieces of Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on An evaluation is an assessment of particular topics or subjects typically conducted for a certain p urpose. An evaluation report provides the audience a general idea about the entire evaluation. It is an essential way of presenting an evaluation to a certain audience. Writing an evaluation report is a simple concept which you can adapt as needed. The Chronicles of Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on Background information Shondra will want to ensure that everybody who reads her report has all of the background information required to understand it. An evaluation paper should incorporate summary info and your earnest perspective on the discipline. Most evaluation reports incorporate exactly the same essential sections, however, as we'll see in a moment, they aren't always in exactly the same purchase. Together with the facts, you will need supporting information from a wide range of sources. The Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on Pitfall You are the person making the judgement about this issue, it is all up to you to back up your argument in a manner which will al low others to create their own opinion. 1 thing that we highly suggest you ought to do is to earn a draft or an outline of the discussion that you want to have. Try to remember that a great essay isn't to shed the feeling of proportion, you cannot simply allow convoluted terms and conditions of any sort of ideas and you maynot mix metaphors. Performance review examples and phrases will need to get written in such a way that while expressing authority, they do not own a domineering tone and keep up a tone that's both formal and casual. The End of Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on The very good topic for a classification essay ought to have some logical point, you could classify. To steer clear of common essay mistakes, a number of the situations that you should always remind yourself when writing an evaluation essay are given below. An evaluation essay is a sort of writing that expresses certain judgment about a certain topic in accordance with a list of criteria. If yo u're writing an evaluation essay, you should remain objective with the content which you are presenting. You will discover that an Interview Evaluation Form can assist with that. It is going to also be easier that you develop an evaluation that may be trusted by your readers. If you would like to make an evaluation essay, you ought to be strategic when it has to do with the presentation of information that may assist in the writing activity. An evaluation essay has an objective assessment that's written by means of a person who should be fully-knowledgeable of what he or she's writing about. It's necessary that if you compose an essay it needs to have an excellent flow, attempt to steer clear of unnecessary things and vagrancy. If you would like to compose an evaluation essay and get high grades, you will be sure to require a strategy! What you have to know about how to compose an evaluation essay is you ought to incorporate every one of your evaluating objects into your es say. So, below, there are a number of steps on the best way to compose an evaluation essay. The Appeal of Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on Since an evaluation essay isn't only part of college essay examples as it may also be utilized in company and company processes, it's necessary for you to understand the weight of its effectiveness. Accuracy of new info and effectiveness of new information can ascertain the caliber of the work produced. Also, keep in mind that evaluations are a tool to increase your training, so use the info you get whether it's to enhance some area or simply continue the very good work. The best evaluations are a mixture of ratings and feedback since you can receive a measure of the general class together with specific feedback, and yet they may be filled out quickly by participants. Opt for a topic you want to write about. If you weren't assigned with a specific topic, you will want to choose one by yourself. If you don't are assigned a topic by y our professor, you will want to select one yourself. If you have to locate a topic for your essay all on your own, give attention to the web. The Pain of Topics to Write an Evaluation Essay on Just don't forget that if you will make an outline before starting to write, it is going to save your time. The evaluation program is a fundamental part of a proposal that gives information on how and when you will test the undertaking and how you'll report your result. It is always defined at the end of the proposal. Your evaluation program should incorporate both.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Homophobia in American Beauty - 803 Words
I watched the movie American Beauty a couple of days ago and saw how homophobia might be a sign that the homophobic might be a homosexual. So I though Iââ¬â¢d write about it. American Beauty centers on the last year of Lester Burnhamââ¬â¢s life. Lester Burnham, played by Kevin Spacey, is married to Carolyn Burnham, played by Annette Betting, and their marriage is picture perfect on the outside, but the perfection is only superficially. Their marriage is based on projecting one image- a picture perfect suburbia lifestyle when it is in fact quite the opposite. Colonel Frank Fitts played by Chris Cooper, is the new neighbor who is presented as a homophobic man. He hates on and puts down the homosexual couple in the neighborhood constantly. So whatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Men fear humiliation or weakness because they always have to present everyone this image of being though, dominant and dependent; men despise anything that goes against these traditional views of masculinity . This traditional thoughts lead to homophobia. The media is constantly portraying men in a violent or dominant way in the movies, TV shows, etc. Asians are almost always portrayed as martial artist or violent criminals and Latinos as boxers, criminals or though gangsters. Ever since the Colonel moved in he shows this extreme disgust towards homosexuals around his neighborhood. He even shows this behavior towards his son Ricky when he becomes suspicious of his (Rickyââ¬â¢s) relationship with Lester. Probably when the Colonel was growing up, being gay was the worse and he tried to hide it from his parents and thought the army might help straighten him out and got married to try to appear like a normal man. At the end of the movie Frank believes he sees his son taking money from Lester for sexual favors and this results in Ricky leaving the house. Castaà ±eda 3 The death of Lester Burnham is simply because he aroused his homophobic neighbor. Lester appears to be sexually available to men when he tells his neighbor: ââ¬Å"Our (Lesterââ¬â¢s and Carolynââ¬â¢s) marriage is just for showâ⬠¦a commercial for how normal we are, when weââ¬â¢re anything butâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He (Frank) attempts to kiss Lester, proving his hidden desire for men. In a quick recap of the film: new neighbors move intoShow MoreRelatedHidden Themes in American Beauty Essay851 Words à |à 4 PagesIn American movies there are many times basic plots, hidden themes and subliminal messages. Most of the time the producer is trying to make a point that is not clear to the audience. American Beauty is one such movie. The movie contains affection in two homosexual neighbors, a homophobic father, and a mysterious relationship between an average man and his teen neighbor. American Beauty focuses on the last year of Lester Burnhamââ¬â¢s life. Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) is married to Carolyn BurnhamRead MoreTheories of Intersectionality and Oppression1238 Words à |à 5 PagesClass,â⬠reveals that there are common elements of oppression and that we cannot view oppression, whether its sexism or homophobia, as an isolated variable because they are all interconnected. Allison experiences oppression on 3 levels: one for being in a lower socioeconomic class, one for being gay, and the other for being a sadomasochist. She experiences sexism, racism, homophobia, and classism, which are all collective and work together to form the entire persecution she experiences, and the placeRead MoreThe Continuous Cycle Of Oppression887 Words à |à 4 Pagesissue most Americans can acknowledge. Nevertheless, it remains an issue that often goes ignored is the internalized oppression many of these people face after growing up in a society that marginalizes them for existing. To illustrate this, Nubra Floyd, Michael Kimmel, and Regina Langhout discuss different groups of marginalized people in Group Development in a High School Adjustment Seminar, Identity and Achievement: A Depth Psychology Approach to Student Development, Masculinity as Homophobia, and ActsRead More The Issues of Women in Sport Essay example1132 Words à |à 5 Pagesthinker, woman the guardian of morals, man dominant, and woman subordinate. The injection of equality between the two genders challenged the foundation of the social order. Womens sports in the late 1800s focused on correct posture, facial and bodily beauty, and health. In 1916 the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) holds its first national championship for Women. In 1919, Suxanne Lenglen shocks Wimbledon in triumph in a dress that exposes her arms and lower legs. In 1925 Gertrude Ederle becomes the firstRead MoreAll s Not Well And Land Of The Lion King 1450 Words à |à 6 Pages In the article ââ¬Å"Allââ¬â ¢s Not Well In Land Of ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËThe Lion Kingââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ , Lazarus discusses how the movie: ââ¬Å"The Lion Kingâ⬠negatively portrays society to children by using racism, homophobia, and social inequality. In American culture, racism and homophobia are both very common and controversial. Discrimination in todayââ¬â¢s society is not primarily associated This essay is not completely effective because children do not yet understand social concepts and she did not have enough reasons to back up some of herRead MoreAll s Not Well And The Land Of The Lion King 1452 Words à |à 6 Pages In the article ââ¬Å"Allââ¬â¢s Not Well In The Land Of ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËThe Lion Kingââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ , Lazarus discusses how the movie: ââ¬Å"The Lion Kingâ⬠negatively portrays a society to children by using racism, homophobia, and social inequality. In American culture, racism and homophobia are both very common and controversial. Discrimination in todayââ¬â¢s society is not p rimarily associated This essay is not completely effective because children do not yet understand social concepts and she did not have enough reasons to back up some ofRead MoreGender As A Primary Cultural Frame1517 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe patterns found in the collected data was of the ââ¬Å"fag discourseâ⬠in which homophobia is central to constructing masculine identity (Pascoe 2007). The example representing this pattern is a news article about white-male beauty blogger named James Charles being announced as the first male ambassador of CoverGirl Cosmetics (Figure 1). As stated in the article, Charlesââ¬â¢ interest in makeup and his success as a male beauty blogger in social media has led to many people questioning his gender identityRead More`` La Mission `` By Peter Bratt1668 Words à |à 7 Pagesanxiety in society towards LGTBQ, acceptance within cultures, and finally gender and race equality. We first see signs of homophobia from Che, the fear is present in his eyes when he shuffles through the pictures on Jessââ¬â¢s desk. A cold sweat sweeps across his forehead. According to an online journal by David Foster, ââ¬Å"Bratt centers on the conflict centered on the father s homophobia (a conflict which, it must be said, is played out with total frankness, honesty, and psychological accuracy)â⬠(Foster)Read MoreAutomatism In The Rite Of Spring By Viktor Sklovsky1089 Words à |à 5 Pagesseparates us from experience. This nature leads to the habituation of our perceptions and, thus, many aspects of our lives might go by unnoticed. Consequently, much of the beauty present in our lives might go overlooked. To combat habituation, Shklovsky believed art could restore our sensations and allow us to see this overlooked beauty. For art to restore our perceptions, however, it must make objects ââ¬Å"unfamiliarâ⬠and difficult to perceive. Through this strategy, art wil l be removed from automatism andRead MoreThe Power Of Poetry728 Words à |à 3 Pagesthroughout the 60s and 70s when her poems started to impact a larger audience. Adrienne Rich argues in ââ¬Å"Defy the Space That Separatesâ⬠that ââ¬Å"Poetry can break isolation, show us to ourselves when we are outlawed or made invisible, remind us of beauty where no beauty seems possible, remind us of kinship where all is represented as separation.â⬠In this quote, Rich elaborates the point that we as humans find power in what we lack and through this power can we create a connection to a poem we would normally
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